People, you are the guardians of this earth, your earth, our earth, our world. If you do not take care of her and watch over her and keep her the way we were given this earth you will no longer have a place to live. No amount of money, fame, and riches will give you air to breath and plants to heal and food to survive. Take a step back and look at what you are doing to your earth.
All creatures on this earth have a soul, all creatures love, care and want to be happy. Humans however feel they can misuse, mistreat and torture God's creatures with no reprocicity. That is not true. Take care of God's creatures. Love them, honor them as you would your own children. Because they are.
Now is the time of great change. Now is the time of great tragedy. Now is the time of great peace and great beauty. When your time comes and you are done on this earth what do you think you will miss the most? Money? Fame? Your job? Your possessions? NO. You will miss those you love, those you cherish, the smell of the grass, the air on your face, the drop of rain from the clouds in the sky.
Make a difference! Help Mother Earth become whole again. Stop the fighting! Stop the hate! Stop the indifference. You have raised a generation of children who don't care about anyone but themselves. But the next generation are the peace makers, the peace keepers, the ones in love with animals, and are kind and peaceful and loving and caring and giving. Don't destroy them too.
THEY ARE YOUR ONLY HOPE! Cherish them and teach the others. This is the dawn of a new day. Make it matter.